Lululemon Return Policy - Too Good to be True?

For my Consumer Buyer Behavior class, each student is required to give a 10 minute presentation on a particular brand and it's respective marketing efforts, as it relates to consumer decision making/purchase behavior. Each class, 2 students present a brand and there is a class discussion about how their efforts would or would not prompt consumers to behave. Therefore, I have become very aware of many updates and plans that many brands are adopting. This has been great for me as I am looking to start a career in marketing within the next year, and also great to just keep up with evolving news and trends. There is one brand in particular that I wanted to highlight, because I was skeptical about their strategy and was proven wrong. Lululemon lives by the slogan, "If our product doesn't perform for you, we'll take it back." I was told that no matter how long you have owned an item, whether it be 2 weeks or 2 years, Lululemon will take it back and give you a refund...